Saturday, July 3, 2010


Being as my Pransome Hince and I are on the cusp of the Gen X/Millenial divide, we've never been quite sure as to where our generational loyalties should lie.

It's now becoming quite obvious, as we've cancelled our landline and don't miss it, scour the internet for ideas on everything from how to construct a swing to what to make for dinner, are more comfortable with e-mail than telephonic communication, and don't take in "the paper"(well, we DO get the Wall Street Journal, but it's delivered at the bottom of the hill, and thus, when we actually want to read the paper--on Saturday--, we make the treck down the steps and gather an armful of soggy back issues plus the one we actually want).

We had a group of late 30's-50's people over to dinner, and we were struck when they tried to get into contact with us using our old home phone number (we regretted to say we'd cancelled it) and asking us if we'd seen thus and such in the QCTimes (we apologized that we didn't subscribe).

I guess Millenials we be!