Monday, February 1, 2010

Delicious, Delicious Snow!

We finally made Snow Ice Cream! Chicken stirred the milk, sugar and vanilla together without spilling any.
Chicken Lu is excited to finally be making Snow Cream.

Boy is excited to finally be eating some.


1 cup milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
5 cups clean snow

Mix together the top three ingredients, and then slowly pour over snow, "fluffing" it to mix without mushing it down.
I got everything from
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Our Trains

Lu and I decided to make paper doll trains today.

Joshua saw his sister's "dolly train" and said he wanted a "cutie train".
I tried to convince him to do something else, but he remained adamant. I'm glad he did.

I made one Mommy and cut it out, intending that since mommies have more "outline", I would make one mommy into a daddy. Just before I could convert all couples to created order, Lu said, "It looks like two mommies kissing!"

I quickly set about making the other "mommy" look like a daddy.

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