My Pransome Hince was teasing me yesterday about finally getting to be a Midwestern housewife. This was never a goal of mine. Housewife, yes. Midwestern, no.
As I sit here, my fingers numb from 60* interior temperature exposure (too cheap to turn up the thermostat), I contemplate the geographical direction my life has taken. An Army Brat for the first 17 years of my life, I pride myself on being able to live anywhere for at least two years, even in some truly tough social/geographical/familial situations.
It occurs to me now, that other than a brief stint in Washington when snow was really fun, I've never lived this far north. In fact, the last time I lived somewhere that had truly terrible winter weather, I vowed to go to college in Arizona.
I kept that vow.
I wonder how many more vows I will take in the coming winter.
post more posts! post more posts! ps - your martha link is broken. much love and sunshine from n.c. :)